
HSB releases 2025 construction trends risks podcast

HSB’s latest Knowledge Squad Podcast highlights key trends that are reshaping the future of the UK's construction market, and how those trends are impacting construction insurance risks in 2025. HSB’s...

HSB launches new UK Construction Trends report

HSB has published its latest report, ‘2025 UK Construction Trends’. Despite exceeding expectations with encouraging levels of activity in recent years, the UK construction sector has arguably faced it...

How to avoid underinsurance in construction – insights from Allianz

Shockingly, up to 80% of the UK’s SMEs may be underinsured by as much as 45%. This means that many of your customers could find themselves under protected, leading to reduced claims payments or, in so...

Casualty & Construction – a Q guide

When it comes to underwriting effective liability products, Q Underwriting are well-versed in the art of providing niche solutions and tailored responses. Download the Q Underwriting Casualty and Cons...

HSB have construction trends covered

With the UK Government investing £640bn in UK civil infrastructure over the next 5 years and growth in the construction sector predicted to rise, there’s no better time to talk about construction insu...

London Market offering: Construction Market Update

Since 2018, the construction insurance market has undergone acute change, transitioning firmly out of a very soft market. No one was prepared for the across-the-board disruption caused by the pandemic...

Cobra London Markets: Construction Insurance

Citynet Insurance Brokers are specialists within the high-risk construction sector, providing concrete insurance solutions where your local insurance markets are unable to help. Whilst businesses and ...