Insurer news

This category is used to define Insurer News (only) that we want to feature on the insurer access page. Should limit to key product updates, new markets; changes in product and offering from insurer partners.

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Cobra Underwriting Agencies – Important Update

We’re very pleased to announce that the Cobra Underwriting Agencies team has been working closely with Cobra Network to update their branding, ensuring that the Cobra Network exclusive MGA brand refle...

A photograph of an office desk with 3 blue chairs and a computer screen

PIB Risk Management: Changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

The UK Government will continue to pay 80% of your furloughed employees’ usual wages for the hours not worked, up to a cap of £2,500 per month, to the end of June. In July, CJRS grants will cover 70% ...

Commercial lines – bounce back ability

Broker confidence is high and many are planning for a new normal year of growth – with some good reason, believes Simon Gardiner,  Close Brothers, Head of Sales North. Despite the challenges of the pa...

PIB Risk Management: Fire Safety Bill passed

The Fire Safety Bill, which was launched in March 2020, finally received Royal Assent on 29th April 2021 following agreement on the text by both Houses of Parliament. The act will come into force in E...

Win a luxury hamper in Travelers’ free prize draw

To thank Cobra Network members for being part of the launch of PI Combined, Travelers are offering all members the chance to win a luxury Fortnum & Mason hamper! All you have to do is tell Travele...

Monthly Security Update – May 2021

Each month PIB Group look at the data security issues affecting companies and individuals and share these in the hope that firms will be more aware of the risks they face. Download here.

Complimentary training from Close Brothers: transform your team with a new suite of modules

Complimentary training - transform your team with a new suite of modules Close Brothers are expanding their extensive library of modules Close Brothers are proud to share their new suite of sales trai...

London Market offering: Commercial Insurance

Citynet Commercial Solutions access all major London market insurers. By capitalising on their wide range of exclusive facilities and their strong open market presence, they ensure that only the most ...

Travelers – The Start of Something Big

As start-up companies seize new opportunities, prospects for brokers grow. While the pandemic has upended so many aspects of our lives in the past year, it has also revealed rapidly changing needs – a...