Rebuild Cost Assessment

The Rebuild Checker

Introducing The Rebuild Checker – your new go-to tool for sense-checking property sums insured.  Eliminating inaccurate building sums insured, benefiting both brokers and clients alike. The Rebuild Ch...

Building costs settling down, but significant underinsurance risks remain

Construction inflation has softened over the past year and building costs are forecast to rise by around 3% in 2024. However, the risk of underinsurance remains incredibly high, says RebuildCostASSESS...

Is blanket home insurance still adequate?

Rebuild Cost Assessment often spoken about the Average Clause, but homeowners are now being warned of a potential issue that could leave them with no cover at all in the event of a claim. Home insuran...

81% of UK properties are underinsured.

81% of UK properties are underinsured, which can severely reduce the amount paid out following a property damage claim. This is because insurers have something they call the “Average Clause”. Want to ...

Rebuild cost gap still widening, with social care at risk’s latest annual rebuild cost infographic, which presents data from more than 29,000 recent rebuild valuations, shows that more than 9 out of every 10 buildings in the UK are ...

Commercial desktop limits increased to £12M

RebuildCostAssessment are delighted to bring some excellent news your way! As you know, the construction industry has been facing challenges with rising costs, impacting building reinstatement values....

Unveiling UK Property Underinsurance: The ‘Average Clause’ Explained”

A startling revelation has come to light, highlighting a concerning issue faced by homeowners across the UK. Recent reports indicate that a staggering 83% of properties in the country are currently un... new rate – July 2023

Notice of price increase for our desktop rebuild cost assessments from Rebuild Cost Assessment: "Costs continue to rise in the UK due to global economics and a range of factors unique to the UK. It is...

Underinsurance gap widening as costs increase

A greater proportion of properties are now underinsured and the gap between property rebuild costs and the amount buildings are currently insured for in the UK is widening. The findings arise from the...